MONDAY, JULY 27th - 15th Annual Outing

About Us
Siffrin was established in 1976 by family members and advocates for people with disabilities. Their mission was to develop community-based residential options to replace institutional-based services that were typical for people with disabilities at that time. The founding members used an estate donation from ELSIE SIFFRIN to lease one house for seven men to call home in February of 1976.
Today Siffrin services extend to more than 700 people in eight counties.

Siffrin Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
At Siffrin, our dedicated staff is the heart of our organization. Committed to empowering individuals and enhancing communities, our diverse team brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and compassion to every aspect of our services, ensuring that each person's needs and goals are met with care and professionalism.
Board of Directors
Siffrin is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of people with family members who have disabilities and those interested in the issues faced by people with disabilities. Their responsibility is to set policy, guide the direction of Siffrin services, annually approve the organizational budget, and hire and evaluate the Chief Executive Officer. The Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month unless otherwise scheduled. Each Board committee meets quarterly or as necessary to perform job responsibilities. Please contact Kristine Willhite if you are interested in learning more about serving on the Siffrin Board of Directors.
Accreditations & Memberships

CARF International
Siffrin has been surveyed by CARF International since 1993 and has earned a total of ten 3-year accreditations, the highest level of accreditation.
CARF International is an independent, nonprofit organization focused on advancing the quality of human services. Providers that meet CARF standards have demonstrated their commitment to being among the best available. - carf.org
2023-2026 CARF Accreditation
Community Employment Services: Employment Support
Community Employment Services: Job Development

Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
Siffrin is licensed by the Ohio Department of DD to provide services to people with disabilities.

Ohio Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Siffrin is a vendor of Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities to provide employment services.